Dear Colleague,
Could we please draw your attention to the following important school census information. We would always advise schools to complete a dry run of the census as early as possible to give adequate time to resolve any issues in your data.
You must have had the SIMS Release (7.198) applied and need to import Fileset 1802. The fileset has been released to all schools via SOLUS and is also available to download from our website along with instructions on how to download and apply it.
Summer Census Date Thursday 20th May 2021
Free School Meal Eligibility collection period: 22/01/2021 to 20/05/2021 (NB Please ensure that all pupils have this recorded this in the Dietary Panel on the Pupil/Student record )
Attendance Collection period: 01/01/2021 to 04/04/2021
Exclusions Collection period: 01/08/2020 to 04/04/2021
Learner Support collected from: 01/08/20 to 20/05/2021 (Post 16 schools only)
Documentation to assist with preparing and producing the census can be found on our customer portal ( under Knowledgebase/Categories/Census. If you are unsure of your portal details or would like an account please give the helpdesk a call. You must be logged in to see the documents in the client area.
Collection of School Attendance Information
For schools that use Attendance, data is collected on all categories of school attendance, rather than just absence.
For schools that do not use Attendance, it is possible to record the following information:
- Total number of sessions attending approved educational activity (This information was also collected in the School Census Spring 2021 Return)
- Total number of sessions unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances (This information was also collected in the School Census Spring 2021 Return)
- Total number of sessions unable to attend due to Coronavirus. (This information was also collected in the School Census Spring 2021 Return)
Reminder that for Exclusions that start on or after 01/08/2020 the DfE expects schools to cease the use of ‘other’ as a reason for exclusion.
Up to 3 reasons may be recorded per exclusion from the start of Autumn Term.
The following reasons have been added:
- Use or threat of use of an offensive weapon or prohibited item
- Abuse against sexual orientation and gender identity
- Abuse relating to disability
- Wilful and repeated transgression of protective measures in place to protect public health
De-Activation of the ‘Other’ Exclusion Reason
Tools | Lookups | Maintain the Other lookup value in the Exclusion Reason lookup type has been set to inactive. From September 2020 onwards, it should not be used.
NOTE: Permanent exclusions are collected only if a final review exists.
Reporting School Dinner Taken on Census Day
Reporting School Dinners Taken on Census Day Routines | Statutory Returns | School Census – School Dinner Taken If pupils in years R, 1 and 2 are not attending school on the School Census Summer 2021 census day, schools can now select an alternative date for reporting of school dinners taken between 05/04/2021 and 31/07/2021. In Special schools, this is also applicable to pupils aged between 4 and 6 who are not following the National Curriculum Year X, and pupils born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2016 inclusive.
Full DFE guidance can be obtained via–coronavirus-covid-19)
SEN Resourced Provision
Detailed guidance can be found
Schools and academies must only use this indicator where the resourced provision and SEN unit has been formally recognised as such by the local authority where the school is located. The school’s Get Information About Schools (GIAS) record should indicate if the school has resourced provision places.
Create & Validate Routine
When creating and validating the return, a message is displayed if there are permanent exclusions during the collection period without a corresponding final governor review result.
The message advises the user to check whether the permanent exclusions are ongoing and allows them to cancel or continue with the process.
Please contact us on the helpdesk should you have further questions or require any assistance.
We have already run our scheduled training for the census however if you feel you would benefit from attending our training please let us know and we will put another course on.