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Consolidated Database Patch 2 (28383)

By 25th September 2023No Comments

Dear Colleague,We would like to make you aware of the following changes that are required in order to complete the Autumn School Census 2023 in SIMS.

Step 1Apply Consolidated Database Patch 2 (28383) This has been released to all schools and it is essential that this is now applied. You will be able to check whether this has been added to your school by looking at the Statutory Returns Screen in SIMS  -The following message will highlight if the patch has been applied to the school and the date this happened. DO NOT CONTINUE to Step 2 until you have confirmed this.B7k+57f7kujjaaaaaelftksuqmccWe have released Consolidated Database Patch 2 for the Summer Release on SOLUS please liaise with your IT support to request it is applied.Step 2
Only after Step 1 has been completed then Fileset 2503 can be imported- we are holding off release to ensure that all schools are aware of the need to complete step 1 and allow time for this to have happened. We will release this on Friday 22/09/23 to allow all school time to apply the database patch.There will be further fileset changes but we wanted to advise you of this current issue so that you can take action now.For information the patch is required to rectify the following issues:-

  • Issues dealt with via CDP 2
  • Issues that are dealt with for the first time for Summer Release 2023
  • Issue  Personnel and School Workforce Census 2023 (England)
The DfE did not provide its revised list of four lookup tables to take account of the introduction of SBP (School Business Professional) SWC Post and identification of the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) in time for inclusion in our SIMS Summer Release 2023 our first CDP.
Applying CDP 2 will ensure that four lookup tables provide the lists specified by the DfE.Issue: School Workforce Census 2023
Working days lost for an absence is calculated correctly, but is reported in SWC in the wrong format, which will prevent successful upload to COLLECT. Solution:
Applying CDP 2 will ensure that working days lost is reported with the correct format and thereby remove the barrier for upload to COLLECT.Issue : School Census Autumn 2023
For School Census Autumn 2023 the DfE has extended its requirement to include permanent exclusions that are finalised before the census reference date rather than just those that are finalised by the end of the collection period.Solution:
Applying CDP 2 will ensure that permanent exclusions will be included in the census where they are finalised after the collection period but before the census reference data.Issue : Course Management
When adding the new Tools | Examinations | Add Qualification Data we included validation that prevents QN plus Discount Code from being added if the QN already exists, even if it exists with a different Discount Code. This validation is also preventing Tools | Examinations | Import Qualification Data from importing a QN plus Discount Code if the QN already exists with a different Discount Code.Solution:
Applying CDP 2 modifies the validation, so it only prevents duplication of QN plus Discount Code.If you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact the helpdesk.Kind regards,School ICT.