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SIMS NewsCensus

SWC patch and fileset needed

By 5th November 2021November 23rd, 2021No Comments

Please forward on to the person who usually deals with applying patches/upgrades for SIMS

ESS have informed us that It is not recommended for schools to submit their SWC 2021 return until they have applied:-

  1. English Consolidated Database Patch 3 for the Summer Release 2021. All previous patches for the SWC have been withdrawn. Patch 3 will include the fixes for patch 1  & 2.
  2. Fileset 1908 for the Summer Release (Available to download from the SWC category on our customer portal & via SOUS3)

We have released both to all schools via SOLUS3, this has been developed by ESS to accommodate the changes necessary to deal with the DfE’s change in specification regarding how workforce member status should be determined resulted in more data needing to be taken into account than is actually included in the return itself, e.g. contracts that were closed during the census collection period.

If you have already uploaded your SWC return to we would advise to complete a new return and resubmit using your usual method.