During this period of social isolation we wanted to offer our customers the chance to attend a number of remote webinars to ensure we are delivering the latest SIMS updates, tips and advice. Please Click Here to view the full schedule which includes joining information. The timings are an estimate and may differ depending on questions asked during the webinars. Please forward to any relevant people within your school who might be interested and keep checking back to the School ICT website for new dates which will be released shortly.
This selection of webinars are based on information we thought that our schools might find useful at this time, however we would appreciate any suggestions on content for future webinars you would like us to deliver. Please email your suggestions to helpdesk@schoolicts.co.uk
We are also delivering two best practice webinar sessions. Details for these are below. These are open to all our customer and have been split into a primary and secondary session. If you would like to attend please email marketing@schoolicts.co.uk
Best Practice in SIMS Primary Session
- When: Thursday 23rd April 9.30am – 11.30am
- What: Introducing SIMS processes and best practice for getting the most from your data
- Agenda:
- End of Year Procedures
- School Census Update
- Using SIMS for OFSTED (single central record, programme of study, attendance, behaviour)
- Did you know? Using SIMS to manage medication in school
- Introducing SIMS Primary
- Introducing School Genies
- Q&A
Best Practice in SIMS Secondary Session
- When: Wednesday 22nd April 9.30am – 11.30am
- What: Introducing SIMS processes and best practice for getting the most from your data
- Agenda:
- End of year procedures
- School Census update
- New OFSTED framework
- Assessment arrangements for Summer 2020
- Did you know? Using SIMS to manage medication in school
- Introducing School Genies
- Q&A
In addition to these webinars we are in the process of formulating a suite of ‘how to’ videos to support schools during this time. This is to compliment our usual day to day telephone support service and the temporary remote consultations we continue to deliver on request.
If you have any questions please give us a call on the Helpdesk 03452226802.